Moments of Joy

Moments of Joy

The simplest things can bring moments of joy. For me that includes getting new pens, shopping for a notebook, finding a good book, and the first sip of coffee in the morning. Or even, seeing that my home is clean and organized 😉. It’s one of my favorite things about our LuxeFold Linen Cubes. It may seem small, but getting a quick moment of joy every time I open the closet to see it beautifully organized makes a difference.

Happiness is easy to take for granted. It’s not something you can smell, see, or touch, so its benefits, and importance, are not as obvious as other necessities like food and sleep. You may be surprised to know that joy has real, tangible impacts on your body and your life.


Physical health

Research has shown that positive feelings have a direct impact on the body, including improved heart health and immune system response. It can increase the speed of recovery after injury. Some studies have even shown that happiness can lead to a longer life. These are real, physical health benefits based on the impact of happiness on brain and bodily functions such as hormone regulation and heart rate.

Happier people also tend to take care of themselves better, which compounds the health benefits. They’re less likely to smoke and more likely to put care into their diet and exercise. They have more energy. Plainly put, happier people are (generally) healthier people.



When you feel good, you’re more motivated to get things done. Happiness is contagious in that way – a positive outlook can linger and spread from one activity to another. These feelings can help you be more productive, try new things, or be more creative. In fact, there is research that shows a relationship between level of happiness and income.

How you feel also clouds your judgement. When you’re happy, you’re more likely to think about the future impact of your decisions. It’s easier to make long term goals and show self-control when faced with immediate decisions – think overspending, overeating, or safety.



Don’t forget how mood impacts your social life. This may be obvious but it’s worth mentioning. Happier people are more likely to socialize and form better relationships with others compared to those with a negative attitude. Happiness is also infectious in social settings – not just with friends at social events, but within families at home too.


This is why creating moments of joy is so important to me. It’s an endless loop, traveling from person to person and back again. Happy people are more likely to be healthier, successful, supported and supportive, and live longer. And the best part is, everyone has the ability to wield this superpower. Our minds are powerful, and we can decide to have a happier outlook on life. Start today by appreciating the good things, surrounding yourself with people and things that make you happy, and working toward goals.




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